
Link is used to move to a different destination. It has the primary blue styling and text underline when hovered.

For tertiary buttons, or special cases, use the as prop: <Link as="button"> and add an onClick prop.


Links font styling is inherited.


Common Props

Link includes COMMON and TYPOGRAPHY common props. Read Common Props for details and API. These common props will override component props such as the color.

Component Props

Prop nameTypeDefaultDescription
colorStringNonecolor of Link
hoverColorStringNonecolor of Link when in hover state
underlineboolFalseLink has underline when in normal state (not just hover state)
asStringh2sets the HTML tag for the component
variantStringNonefor tertiary buttons - color variant of Link (primary | secondary | white)
onClickFuncnullprop function to handle onClick - only use when prop as="button"
themeObjectBridge Themeuse to override default bridge theme