
Alerts are used to inform users of a particular action or state. Refrain from using multiple at the same time. Alert will span across the parents width and has styling for Links and icons within the alert.


This is a success alert!


There are multiple color variants you may use (success, warning, error, information). If not given, it defaults to success.

This is a success alert!
This is a error alert!
This is a information alert!
This is a warning alert!

Links in alerts will be styled with the darker shade of the color variant. Any svg icon will automatically be placed on the left.

Error! Logs will be here!

Common Props

Alert includes COMMON props. Read Common Props for details and API. These common props will override component props such as the color.

Component Props

Prop nameTypeDefaultDescription
variantString'success'color variant (success | error | warning | information)
themeObjectBridge Themeuse to override default bridge theme